2018 Legislative Session Summary

Despite Several Wins, Florida Legislature Makes It a Bit More Expensive for Families and Small Businesses, and a Little Less Competitive for Florida’s Job Creators
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Lawmakers rightfully took steps this session to implement school safety measures following the Parkland tragedy, but overall results of the 2018 Legislative Session show lawmakers made it a bit more expensive for families and small businesses, and a little less competitive for Florida’s job creators.
Florida Chamber advocates defeated a dozen efforts to increase employer mandates, implement overreaching regulations, further worsen Florida’s abysmal lawsuit abuse climate, and limit transportation opportunities. Those included: PIP repeal without bad faith reforms, a ban on plastic bags, patient culture, minimum wage increases, hurricane-related employer mandates, open carry liability, interruption of services, anti-rail, anti-fracking, expansion of gambling, attacks on the hurricane catastrophe fund, prejudgment interest, and more.
Outside the political circle of Tallahassee, businesses are highly concerned about hiring talented team members for the 250,100 unfilled jobs, rising auto and homeowner’s insurance rates, the $1.5 billion impact from workers’ compensation rates, and shady trial lawyers targeting businesses with “gotcha” lawsuits. Yet, for the second year in a row, some in the Florida Senate chose not to advance pro-jobs legislation that lowers the cost of living on families and businesses, and further lifts up jobs and economic opportunity.
Click here for the most recent comprehensive outline of what passed as well as unfinished business on the Florida Chamber’s 2018 Jobs Agenda.