Florida Chamber and U.S. Chamber Partner for Immigration Reform

Inaction by Congress is Not A Path Forward
The problems with our immigration system have grown and multiplied, and have become a threat to the productivity of key industries in Florida.
Today, the Florida Chamber of Commerce joined with our partners at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Association of Manufacturers and the American and Florida Farm Bureau Federations in urging Congress and the administration to work together to enact immigration reform during a Day of Action – an effort that included events in Washington, DC and in more than 60 congressional districts across 25 states.
The Florida Chamber supports a comprehensive, federal approach to immigration reform – one that serves our nation’s best interest and is crucial for Florida as we position ourselves to win the global race for talent and jobs. Proper immigration reform efforts will serve to protect and complement our workforce and generate greater productivity and economic activity that will lead to new innovations, businesses, and jobs in communities across Florida and the U.S.
Currently, Florida lacks an adequate population of skilled workers in technology, science, education, health and engineering, and long-term forecasts indicate the problem will grow more severe. Immigration reform provides a way to further aid Florida’s recovering economy, create valuable and needed jobs and make our state more competitive.
A consistent federal policy of enforcement that does not place unreasonable burdens on employers will help ensure continued competitive growth. Florida’s economy depends on strong international relationships for its trade, manufacturing and agriculture industries. A consistent federal policy will help Florida’s employers avoid undue burdens and costs.
Get Involved:
Join us in supporting reforms that will improve our competitiveness by contacting your members of congress and urging them to support immigration reform.