Survey: How Does Lawsuit Abuse Affect You? News Release ATRA Report Meet Mary

Florida Surpasses California to Become Worst “Judicial Hellhole”

The Sunshine State could be named the “Shady State” after a new report by the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) named Florida the “nation’s worst Judicial Hellhole,” the first time in the study’s 16-year history where the state was ranked number one.
Lawsuit abuse in Florida is an increasingly serious and expensive problem, and it just keeps getting worse. On average, it translates into a $3,400 ‘tax’ for Florida’s families each year, due to increased lawsuit abuse costs.
According to ATRA, the trial bar’s aggressive practices throughout Florida, along with friendly lawmakers in positions of power in the Legislature, have made Florida a hellscape for litigation and abuse. Continued failure by the Legislature to enact serious legal reform during the 2018 session will continue Florida’s slide as a “judicial hellhole” and worsen an already crippling legal environment for businesses and residents alike.
Read the Report
For the first time in its 16-year history, the Judicial Hellholes report by ATRA named Florida the worst “judicial hellhole” in the country, surpassing California. Read the full report.
Have You Met Mary?
We invite you to Meet Mary, a concerned Floridian whose family pays too much in frivolous lawsuit taxes. Mary is paying about $3,400 a year in lawsuit abuse taxes.
In the News: “Florida Takes No. 1 Spot on ‘Judicial Hellholes’ List
Read the full Florida Politics article.