Florida Chamber President Urges CRC to Vote Against Harmful Proposal

Read the Letter Constitution Revision Commission
On October 17, 2017, the Florida Constitution Revision Commission met in Tallahassee and took up several public proposals. Among them was a proposal that would create a new way to sue individuals and businesses based on esthetic environmental rights (Public Proposal 700540). This proposal would contribute to Florida’s negative reputation as a “judicial hellhole” and further plummet the state’s bottom-five legal climate ranking.
In a letter urging Commissioners to vote against this shortsighted proposal, Florida Chamber President Mark Wilson wrote:
“While there have been many successes over the past century of economic growth, it is important to recognize that there have been barriers and burdens to Florida’s sustainable future. One of those has been unwieldy and often-unnecessary additions to Florida’s Constitution. Another is Florida’s bottom five legal climate. The Florida Chamber of Commerce has consistently opposed measures that create excessive burdens on businesses or establish even more unneeded legal liability of Florida’s job creators.”
Take Action Now
The CRC is a unique opportunity for Floridians to make changes to the state constitution and make Florida an even better place to live. Learn more about the Florida Chamber’s engagement with this once-every-20-year constitutional review by visiting www.FloridaChamber.com/CRC or emailing cemmanuel@flchamber.com.