Four Representatives Say Economic Development is Key to Making Florida More Competitive

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The Florida House of Representatives recently voted to dismantle economic incentive initiatives, and send a message that Florida isn’t as interested in growing jobs and businesses as it once was. The Florida Chamber believes that eliminating Florida’s targeted and proven economic development programs is not the way forward.
Four members of the Florida House of Representatives that voted to support Florida’s job creation efforts, and the state’s tourism marketing leadership, recently explained the importance of these programs on the latest edition of the Florida Chamber’s Bottom Line.
“We’re the third largest state in nation, what’s more important than jobs,” REP. LORANNE AUSLEY (D-Tallahassee) said. “Businesses say they want predictability, and the fact that the third largest state in the nation is having a real conversation about eliminating our economic development arm is frankly quiet alarming to me. It’s is important that we take this stand to protect our jobs and to protect our biz large and small across the state.”
“We have had a number of corporate headquarters relocate to St. Petersburg…we’ve also had corporate expansions and all that translates to jobs in our community,” said REP. BEN DIAMOND(D-St. Petersburg). “While there are certain ways we can improve the accountability of Enterprise Florida, we don’t need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.”
“A job is created every time we have 76 visitors. We’ve seen over $7 billion in economic impact from tourism,” said REP. AL JACQUET (D-West Palm Beach). “Everyone that comes to Florida and Palm Beach County help to create a new job. It’s a driving force of the economy in our county. Competition is the key.”
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