Legal Reform

Fixing Florida’s Broken Legal System
Why It Matters to Florida
Lawsuit abuse is a serious and costly problem that keeps getting worse — Florida’s current ranking places our state 44 out of 50 for legal climate. When lawsuit abuse occurs, Florida families and businesses feel the impact through a higher cost of living which creates a $3,400 “tax” for families each year.
Florida’s Competitiveness Agenda
While Florida has much to be proud of – the state’s education system has gone from the bottom ten to the top ten, and the Governor has eliminated more than 4,500 regulations and cut taxes more than 40 times – the jobs picture is mixed.
Even with one of the fastest job creating records in the country, Florida must still create more than two million jobs over the next 15 years, and a broken lawsuit system threatens this.
The Florida Chamber and our partners at the Florida Justice Reform Institute and the U.S. Chamber’s Institute for Legal Reform will continue to push for common sense reforms that fix Florida’s broken legal system.
The Fight for Free Enterprise Continues
Lawyer billboards throughout Florida attest that lawsuits are big business here. But most Floridians aren’t fooled by ads proclaiming to be “for people” when in truth they usually mean “for the plaintiffs’ lawyers.” Until Florida’s courts are seen as fairer for all the people, the forecast for broader economic growth will be cloudy.
Act Now
Join us in reforming Florida’s unfair lawsuit climate by contacting us at