Host an Internship Seminar

The Importance of Employing Floridians with Disabilities
Through partnering with organizations like the Kissimmee Chamber, the business community can help close the gap on the unemployment rate of Floridians with disabilities. And while the internship program is relatively new, success can be measured from both the employer’s perspective and from the intern’s. John Newstreet, President & CEO, Kissimmee / Osceola Chamber of Commerce, discussed why his organization elected to participate in the pilot year of the internship program.
Host An Internship Seminar At Your Regional Chamber of Commerce
In 2014, The Able Trust launched its Internship Seminar series, aimed at increasing the opportunities for people with disabilities to gain career experience. Internships are a proven path to employment due to the development of skills, knowledge, and building a work history. The seminars focus on providing small and medium-sized businesses and organizations with tools to either create an internship program from scratch, or overhaul an existing one.
Businesses and organizations looking to create a pipeline of energetic and motivated employees are invited to attend this free seminar. Staffed by two expert faculty, the seminar will also include an HR attorney. The event will include a course book and relevant materials.The seminar and course materials will provide enough information for participants to leave with a turn-key internship program or a solid base to develop a completely custom program tuned to specific needs and goals.
Yes, I’d Like More Information About the Florida Chamber Foundation Internship Program
For more information about the Florida Chamber Foundation Internship Program, contact Whitney Harris at (850) 521-1237 or