Sign the Petition to Secure Florida’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Industry

Locally and Globally, the Impacts of Florida’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Industry are Undeniable
Florida’s agriculture and natural resources industry is one of Florida’s foundational industries and continues to lead the way in the nation’s production of fresh fruits and vegetables. It represents 14.7 percent of Florida’s GDP, and from 2016 to 2017 exports in agriculture grew from $3.87 billion to $4.04 billion. Together with Florida’s food industry, the agriculture and natural resources industry is helping to create more than one million full and part-time direct jobs- that’s 14.1 percent of total employment in Florida.
Florida’s agriculture industry still faces what many businesses in Florida say is their number one concern—a skills gap. Our workforce is aging and we must plan today for the new talent and skills that are needed to grow the future of Florida’s agriculture. From citrus greening to the impact of hurricanes on crops and resources, agriculture must adapt and innovate in order to succeed.
If you believe Florida’s agriculture and natural resources industry can continue to lead the way in the nation, sign the petition today.