2019 Florida Chamber D.C. Fly-In

The Florida Chamber of Commerce advocates at all levels of government – local, state and federal – to ensure Florida is moving in the right direction, and Florida businesses are being heard on the issues that matter to them.
With that in mind, you are invited to join us on May 14-16 for a unique experience in our nation’s capital in support of private-sector job creation, regulatory reform and creating opportunities for economic prosperity. The Florida Chamber’s D.C. Fly-In has tailored a dynamic program with members of Florida’s Congressional Delegation and leaders of federal agencies to advance the Florida Chamber’s policy agenda.
A tentative schedule, as well as additional information, is shown below for your convenience.

Please contact Dan Tapia at (850) 521-1206 or dtapia@flchamber.com to reserve your space and secure additional hotel information today.
Thank you for your dedication to free enterprise, and to the Florida Chamber. We look forward to seeing you in Washington, D.C. May 14-16 for the Florida Chamber’s D.C. Fly-In.