2019 Global Trade Outlook

Thank you to those who were able to join us for our recent Florida Chamber Global Florida webinar. We appreciated the opportunity to provide an update on Florida’s 2019 Global Trade Outlook, as well as trends and key factors.
If You Missed the Webinar, Here are Three Big Takeaways:
1. Gonzalo Arance, Deputy Director, Enterprise Florida, Inc. – Spain Office, shared a trade outlook, an update on market strategies in Spain, and discussed various markets of opportunity including pharmaceuticals and banking. Arance also highlighted the strong economic ties between Spain and Florida, noting that Florida is the state with the largest presence of Spanish companies.
2. Hesam Houryaband, Deputy Director, Enterprise Florida, Inc. – Canada Office, discussed the deep economic ties between Florida and Canada, as well as provided an outlook on Canadian Foreign Direct Investment opportunities in Florida, which include Aerospace, Fintech and software design.
3. Alice Ancona, Director, International Strategy & Policy, International Trade and Investment Office, Florida Chamber of Commerce, provided an overview of Florida’s latest trade numbers and trends, which included a lower global trade forecast as trade tensions continue through 2019. Ancona also discussed Florida’s diversified trade ties to Europe, most notably with the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Spain.
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Complete the form below to get a complimentary copy of the Florida Chamber of Commerce Global Florida presentation from January 31, 2019.
For more information, please contact Dan Tapia at dtapia@flchamber.com or 850.521.1206.