Bob Grammig Discusses Economic Incentives

Florida Chamber Regional Chair Bob Grammig shares his perspective on how Florida can continue creating a competitive business climate that attracts new businesses.
“Not getting the $250 million (economic incentives) I think has hurt our reputation among businesses and site selectors and it’s created some uncertainty and made it more difficult I think, to compete with other states. However, from the [Florida] Chamber’s perspective, we still look at this as an opportunity. Even though the money is not there, we recognize that the great majority of jobs are not created as a result of economic incentives and we are looking at other ways to help attract businesses and help businesses expand that don’t involve economic incentives but generally focuses on around quality of life, infrastructure… and pointing out other benefits businesses will have should they relocate to the state…We need to focus on other things- let’s figure out ways we can improve the infrastructure, improve our education system, other factors of that nature that will help attract businesses to move to Florida with the high-paying jobs… that we want to see here that don’t involve direct economic incentives.”
And to Grammig, free enterprise means minimal government interference.
Free enterprise is a system where individuals and business are free to make their own economic choices with minimal government interference… This system results in true long-term benefits and a rising standard of living for our society, as opposed to approaches involving greater governmental interference in the economy, which tend to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few, encourages cronyism, depresses growth and encourages dependence on the government. One of the things I’m proud of is that the Florida Chamber really has been a champion of free enterprise since its inception and Florida is a much better place because of its efforts.”
Looking to gain insights into issues that will impact your business in the coming year?
Register today for the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Economic Outlook Webinar on December 8.