CAUCUS: Governmental Systems
A Guide to Governmental Systems Issues

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Florida’s policy process depends on efficient state and local governance. Cities, counties, and school districts have duly elected officials tasked with meeting the needs of their constituents. State agencies and legislators provide funding, strategic direction, or program reforms to provide essential services and make investments in Florida’s future.
As we work to strengthen Florida’s economic competitiveness, prosperity, and quality of life goals, it will be important that we align and leverage our governance systems with private, public, and civic partners. Looking towards 2030, key recommendations for reaching this goal include:
- Aligning public, private, and civic partners at the state, regional, and local scales around a shared economic vision for Florida, using the Six Pillars as a framework,
- Facilitating changes to public and civic partnerships that address economic development, education, infrastructure, and other longterm challenges,
- Developing long-term investment strategies for statewide and regional economic development priorities,
- Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of government agencies at all levels, and
- Leading the United States in the use of technology and data to govern more effectively
For additional information on the future of Florida, download the Florida 2030 Key Targets & Strategies by visiting