Amendment 1 Guarantees Solar Energy Choices Will Be Part of Florida’s Energy Future

Florida is growing by nearly 1,000 residents every day. At this rate, our researchers estimate Florida will add six million more residents by 2030.
Florida’s infrastructure, which includes water, transportation, communications and energy, needs to keep up with demand and we need to ensure our legislative framework provides the tools needed to secure Florida’s future.
When voters go to the polls during the November 8th General Election, they will have an opportunity to create a permanent legislative environment to adapt to changing energy technology and consumer choices with Amendment 1.
For years, Florida’s Constitution has been the target of out-of-state and special interests who want to embed their outside influence on Florida’s future.
Understanding that Florida’s Constitution can be amended five different ways, Florida’s process to make permanent constitutional changes is often more of an art than science.
Yet out-of-state special interests are now working to chip away at Florida’s amendatory process, and working to leave a permanent footprint on the everyday lives of Florida’s families and businesses.
With that in mind, I believe it’s important that we take a closer look at proposed amendments and the policies they contain. When it comes to Amendment 1, the Florida Chamber believes solar energy is an important component of our future energy choices, and we fully support the policies contained in Amendment 1 on the General Election ballot.
In the case of Amendment 1, a strong argument can be made that voters passing this amendment now is a smart way to depoliticize the important solar energy debate for decades to come.
As the Florida Chamber has warned, there are well-funded special interests groups and billionaires with agendas that seek to pass mandates that would dramatically increase electricity costs and limit Florida’s competitiveness. Therefore, although we don’t necessarily support the process, the concepts in Amendment 1 are needed and will provide an important framework to protect consumers and increase choices for Florida’s businesses and consumers.
As Florida Chamber polling consistently shows, it appears voters want solar energy as an option, and they believe the legislature is the best place to make future policy decisions. Amendment 1 essentially guarantees that solar energy will be part of Florida’s future energy portfolio and it also ensures that, as technology and American’s regulatory climate changes, the framework for future decisions rests squarely where it belongs – with the Florida Legislature.
While the Florida Chamber may have a long-standing policy of refraining from supporting concepts that could be handled through statutes, a strong argument can be made that Amendment 1 is needed to set up a permanent framework for legislative solutions now and for decades to come.
I believe Amendment 1 will pass and, when it does, the Florida Chamber of Commerce will be at the table to urge the legislature to continue establishing a framework that creates reliable, affordable and environmentally responsible energy solutions for decades to come.
According to the latest Florida Chamber Political Institute statewide poll, if the election were held today, it appears more than 65 percent of voters would support the passage of Amendment 1 which protects the rights of electricity consumer regarding solar energy choice.
The Florida Chamber encourages Floridians to use the most powerful tool they have to protect American opportunity – their right to vote. Please share this non-partisan, must see video with your employees by clicking the arrow in the top right hand corner of the video.
Visit FloridaWins.Org to learn more about the candidates, and make your plans to vote November 8th.