Amendment 2 is a Trick – Not a Treat

Readers beware – you’re in for a scare! Amendment 2’s language is a trick to voters and may allow for the widespread legalization of marijuana.
Local newspapers are warning their readers of the many problems with Amendment 2. Here’s what some of them had to say.
- The Florida Times Union “overly vague amendment”
- Orlando Sentinel “potentially littered with loopholes”
- Tampa Bay Times “too broad”
- Tampa Tribune “too many risks”
- Panama City News Herald “will cause more problems than it solves”
- Daytona Beach News-Journal “giant, open-ended loophole”
Florida voters are smart. They know that a NO vote will help ensure Floridians don’t get tricked.
On November 4, vote NO on 2.
Paid political advertisement paid for by Florida Chamber of Commerce PAC, Post Office Box 11309, Tallahassee, Florida 32302 independently of any committee.