An Outlook for Florida’s Economy

This week, Florida Chamber Foundation Chief Economist Dr. Jerry Parrish joined the annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism to give an economic outlook on Florida’s tourism industry.
While Florida continues to be a model for growth and economic diversification, Florida’s tourism industry continues to provide substantial economic impact.
Data in shows Florida’s more than 112 million visitors spend more than $100 billion dollars in taxable sales. And every 85 visitors to Florida help create one Florida job. Florida’s international visitors stay longer and spend more, with the largest group of visitors coming from Canada. Many of these visitors buy Florida houses, start companies here, and contribute to Florida’s economy year-round.
Between now and 2030, Florida can expect nearly 6 million more residents to call Florida home and with that, welcome 4-5 million new drivers on the road. Is Florida prepared to continue to welcome visitors and residents alike?
Now, Tell Us Your Thoughts
Tell us how tourism impacts your community and give us your thoughts on whether Florida is prepared for the future of this industry or not. Click here to share your voice.