Constitution Revision Commission

Shape and Priorities of the CRC Come Into Focus

Right now, Florida’s Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) is making decisions that could impact the lives of every Florida business and…

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Getting Healthcare Right in Florida – Register Today and Join the Discussion

    Register for the Call   Learn About Healthcare  Join the Small Business Council   Florida’s small businesses continue to face…

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Workers Compensation

Thank Rep. Trumbull for Fighting to Lower Workers’ Comp Rates

Please take a moment to thank Representative Jay Trumbull (R-Panama City) for his fight for workers’ compensation reform, and for recognizing…

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Federal Overtime Rules: How Will Your Business be impacted?

Tell the U.S. Department of Labor Your Thoughts on Overtime Rule Now Remember the Overtime Rule? Well, it’s back…sort of.…

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Small Business Council Conference Call Focusing on Federal Tax Reform

Federal Tax Reform: Learn What You Need to Know Small businesses create two out of every three jobs in Florida,…

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Insurance Reform and Competition

AOB Fraud and Abuse is Targeting Home and Auto Owners

The Florida Chamber of Commerce and its Consumer Protection Coalition have long-warned about a scam known as Assignment of Benefits…

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Targeted Tax Reforms

Florida Chamber Applauds Signing of Tax Relief Bill

Florida Chamber of Commerce Applauds Governor Scott for Signing Bill Lowering Taxes on Job Creators and Families; Targeted Tax Reform Bill…

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Insurance Reform and Competition

Legislative Inaction Leading to Higher Insurance Rates

Less than a week after the 2017 Legislative Session ended without much-needed Assignment of Benefits (AOB) reform, Florida homeowners are…

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Transportation Investments

Governor Scott Signs Florida Chamber-Backed Ridesharing Bill Into Law

Florida Governor Rick Scott today removed a major road block to ridesharing technologies by signing into law a Florida Chamber…

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Workers Compensation

With No Legislative Fix In Sight, Court Reinstates Workers’ Comp Rate Increase

First District Court of Appeals Officially Reinstates 14.5 Percent Increase Just one day after lawmakers closed out the 2017 Legislative…

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Small Business Issues

Take Action on Workers’ Comp Before 10 a.m. THURSDAY

Urgent Action Alert: The Florida Senate could take up this issue as early as 10 a.m. on May 4. Workers’ compensation…

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International Trade and Ports

The Florida Chamber Kicks Off World Trade Month

Every year, May is recognized as World Trade Month, and many people across the nation take this time to recognize…

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By the Numbers: March 2017

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Workers Compensation

Urge Senators to Pass House Workers’ Comp Bill

Workers’ compensation rate increases are negatively affecting businesses throughout Florida. That’s why the Florida Chamber is supporting workers’ compensation reforms that will help injured…

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Targeted Tax Reforms

Senate Committee Advances Pro-Business Tax Reform Package

The Florida Senate Appropriations Committee today advanced a Florida Chamber-backed tax reform package that supports job growth and strengthens Florida’s…

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