International Trade and Ports

Bob Grammig Discusses Importance of International Efforts

“The [Florida] Chamber is the foremost organization in driving international trade in the state of Florida.” – Bob Grammig, Attorney…

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Legislative Agenda Puts Jobs, Growth and Economic Opportunity in the Driver Seat

  Urges Lawmakers to Put Florida’s Long-Term Competitiveness Ahead of Short-Term Political Fixes TALLAHASSEE (November 17, 2015) – As the Florida…

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TPP and TTIP – Just What the Doctor Ordered

A sluggish recovery from the financial crisis, the Chinese economic slowdown and other curve balls have been a drag on…

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Take Action Now: Ex-Im Bank Vote on Monday

The House is expected to vote on reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank next Monday, October.26, and we need your help…

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The New Suez Canal

With 90 percent of the world’s trade moving by sea, the expanded Suez Canal will be a game changer.  …

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European Uncertainty

As the Greek crisis approaches conclusion, the overall economic health of the EU comes into question. While there has been…

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A Simple Guide to China’s Devaluation of the Yuan

What happened? China devalued the Yuan against the U.S. dollar   Why did this happen? China devalued its currency against…

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India and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) launched an initiative, ‘India and APEC: Charting a Path to Membership,’ to develop the case…

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Peru’s Economy Grows

The Peruvian economy had surpassed predicated outlooks and posted a 3.87 percent growth in June. The official figure could strengthen…

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MERCOSUR, a trading bloc made up of South American countries, was created in 1991 to promote free trade and the…

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Increased Domestic Demand Equals Widened U.S. Trade Deficit

U.S. trade deficit widened more than expected caused by an increase in domestic demand and a strong dollar. The Bad…

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TPP – What Happened in Maui?

When the Trade Ministers from the 12 nations negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) met at the end of July in…

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Florida Chamber Regional Chair Bob Grammig on Free Enterprise, International Trade and More

“Florida is not just a great place to live and do business, but it has an incredibly diversified economy that…

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Africa’s Economy is on the Rise

Seven of the world’s ten fastest growing economies are in Africa. North Africa expects a four to seven percent GDP…

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Here’s a Simple Breakdown of the Iran Deal

Iran and six world powers lead by the U.S., recently concluded a historic deal aimed at ensuring Iran does not…

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