Census 2020: Make Sure Florida Counts
Florida is now the third most populous state and by 2030, 26 million people will call Florida home.
An accurate Census provides important information for Florida’s businesses who rely on data to make business and economic decisions. Population density, worker education levels, transportation and housing data are among the statistics crucial to understanding the local and statewide economy. The U.S. Census will shape and secure the future of Florida by collecting valuable data:
Fair Representation
Provides an accurate population count that ensures every vote is counted and informs our government make up through reapportionment of state and federal offices
Distribution for Aide
Identifies poverty rates at the zip code level to aide businesses, governments, and support agencies with accurate data to allow aide to flow where it is most needed.
Federal Funding for Vital Programs
• Directs correct placement of critical infrastructure that address Florida’s transportation and logistical needs while protecting our precious natural resources.
• Allows for accurate needs assessments for healthcare, transportation, housing, and other critical resources.
Florida Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Mark Wilson serves on the 2020 Census Statewide Complete Count Committee, which is coordinating with the U.S. Census Bureau to ensure Floridians are accurately reflected in the federal count. He was appointed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Shaping and Securing the Future of Florida