Creating Efficient and Sustainable Energy Solutions

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Florida’s ongoing economic recovery has fueled growth in all areas- from population growth to private-sector job creation. But an increased population means increased energy use from all areas of Florida- from the individual light switch to the multi-national companies headquartered in Florida. Florida’s population is expected to grow by six million more residents by 2030 and we must be prepared to provide clean, cost-effective, efficient and reliable energy solutions.
Providing families with reliable and cost-effective energy options by championing energy policies that focus on the long-term needs of our state will help meet the needs of Florida’s growing population.
This requires increasing Florida’s energy independence while expanding the use of alternative fuels like LNG and CNG.
Dependable energy is an important cornerstone to the health of all Floridians. Adopting smart growth policies will benefit small businesses and families by growing the private sector, despite the continued delays posed by those who seek to burden government processes with more regulation.
Florida’s focus on comprehensive clean energy initiatives are steps in the right direction to ensure our rising population has adequate resources. Join us as we fight for long-term energy strategies that will make Florida more competitive.