Florida Road Conditions Rank Best in the Country

In a recent study, national transportation research group TRIP named Florida the top state for road conditions in the U.S. While Florida’s high ranking means that roadways are currently being maintained and improved, funding for future transportation projects is a growing concern.
“Florida roadways are some of the most traveled in the nation so it is imperative that we provide a high quality transportation system that ensures the mobility of people and goods throughout the state,” said Florida DOT Secretary Jim Boxold. “Through continued strategic investment in Florida transportation improvements, we can enhance our state’s economic competitiveness and improve the quality of life for Floridians.”
Fuel efficiency and technology improvements will significantly impact a major source of Florida’s transportation dollars, the Federal Highway Trust Fund. In order to keep Florida’s roadways in good condition, alternative solutions to transportation funding will be needed.
Get Involved
If your business relies on Florida’s transportation system, please join us at the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Future of Florida Forum on September 28-30 in Orlando and the Transportation Summit on December 10 in Jacksonville.
When Florida’s transportation network improves, Florida wins. Share this email with your employees to ensure that Florida remains the best location for travel and commerce. Learn more at FloridaWins.Org.