Manufacturing Contributes More than $40 Billion to Florida’s Economy

Manufacturing is a key driver in Florida’s economic recovery, creating exports for domestic and international trade and generating high-wage, high-skill jobs that diversify and strengthen the state economy. For every 10 jobs created in manufacturing, 12 more are created in transportation, warehousing and retail and 8 jobs in business services, resulting in a $41.5 billion economic impact to the state GDP.
The demand for manufacturing jobs will continue to rise, with a recent Deloitte study indicating that 3.5 million manufacturing jobs will be needed by 2025. However, our students must develop the skills to fill those jobs or they will likely go unfilled. As Florida Chamber Foundation research shows, STEM education and technical training is vital to bridging this skills gap and enabling Florida’s future workforce to compete in a global economy.
Get Involved
October is Manufacturing Month and the perfect time to support Florida’s 18,200 manufacturers. Click here for a short message on manufacturing from Mark Wilson, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber, and learn how you can join us in supporting our partners at the Manufacturers Association of Florida.