FDOT Sec. Boxold Joins Florida Chamber Foundation Transportation Summit

Florida Transportation Secretary Jim Boxold Champions Making Florida Globally Competitive DuringFlorida Chamber Foundation Transportation Summit
Challenges, Opportunities and the Future of Transportation Discussed
TALLAHASSEE, FL. (January 29, 2014) – New Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Jim Boxold today encouraged Florida’s business community to remain focused on Florida’s global competitiveness by securing Florida’s transportation future during the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Transportation Summit.
“The Florida Chamber Foundation’s focus on a long range vision and their commitment to solving transportation issues has been instrumental in keeping Florida globally competitive,” said Florida DOT Secretary Jim Boxold. “While there are certain transportation challenges that Florida will face between now and 20-plus years, there are also great opportunities for improving the lives of Florida’s families and the economic outlook for Florida’s businesses. Whether the need is for roads that ease travel for Floridians or working on infrastructure projects that help build Florida up as a global economy, the discussions we have today matter.”
From airports to seaports, highways to rail lines, Florida’s transportation challenges and opportunities took center stage today as statewide leaders sought solutions that will meet the needs of our state’s 19.9 million (and rising) residents.
Florida recently surpassed New York as the third most populous state in the nation, and between now and 2030, the Chamber Foundation estimates six million more residents will call Florida home. While Florida’s economy is heading in the right direction, a growth in population means some unique challenges for our state- especially in regards to transportation.
“With a growing population, the Florida Chamber Foundation takes discussions on Florida’s Transportation future very seriously,” said Tony Carvajal, Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber Foundation. “By bringing together industry experts with those affected by transportation issues, we can not only plan for the future, but we are able to plan better for the next six million residents.”
To help in this arena, Governor Scott recently announced a historic investment of more than $10 billion for Florida’s transportation systems and infrastructure. FDOT’s five-year plan will invest nearly $41 billion into our state’s transportation system.
During the event, former Florida DOT secretary Ananth Prasad received the Florida Chamber’s Champion for Florida’s Future Award for his work during his time at FDOT.
The Florida Chamber’s Transportation Summit focused on issues that included transportation trends, upcoming changes in transportation corridors, transportation funding, the role of public-private partnerships and the impacts Amendment 1 has on local communities.
The Florida Chamber Foundation is the business-led, solutions development and research organization working in partnership with state business leaders to secure Florida’s future. The Foundation’s “Six Pillars” serve as a visioning platform for developing the first-ever, long-term strategic plan for the state. The Foundation’s work focuses on: 1) Talent Supply and Education, 2) Innovation and Economic Development, 3) Infrastructure and Growth Leadership, 4) Business Climate and Competitiveness, 5) Civic and Governance Systems, and 6) Quality of Life and Quality Places. Founded in 1968, the Foundation is a crucial voice for improving the state’s pro-business climate to enable Florida to grow and prosper. For more information, visit www.FLFoundation.org for more information.