FDOT Secretary Jim Boxold Discusses Role of Transportation in Florida’s Future

“The challenge for the department is to build a transportation infrastructure that meets Florida’s needs and keeps up with the pace of growth here in Florida.”
Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Jim Boxold sat down with Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber Foundation Tony Carvajal recently to discuss what lies ahead for Florida’s transportation system and infrastructure.
“Florida, very clearly, is on the move. We’re on track for 100 million visitors this year. We’ve added over 900,000 jobs over the last four years.”
Secretary Boxold also gave an update on Florida’s transportation plan, which is the visioning document for transportation projects and updates for the next 20+ years. The plan also takes into account advances in technology and how they will affect our state’s transportation system.
The Florida Department of Transportation is responsible for coordinating the planning and development of a safe, viable, and balanced state transportation system that serves all regions of the state, and to assure the compatibility of all components, including multimodal facilities.
“The biggest challenge we have is to provide a transportation system that is safe for all users, whether you are in a car or on a bicycle or a pedestrian…”
Florida’s transportation system includes roadway, air, rail, sea, spaceports, bus transit, and bicycle and pedestrian facilities. Florida also has more than 500,000 jobs in transportation, trade, and logistics – which pay 30 percent more than the statewide average.
Secretary Boxold is a featured speaker for two upcoming Florida Chamber Foundation events: the 2015 Future of Florida Forum and the 2015 Transportation Summit.
Get Involved:
To be part of the statewide conversation on the future of Florida’s transportation system, join us at the Future of Florida Forum, September 28-29, in Orlando.