Federal Overtime Rules: How Will Your Business be impacted?

Tell the U.S. Department of Labor Your Thoughts on Overtime Rule Now
Remember the Overtime Rule? Well, it’s back…sort of.
Last year, you shared your concerns about how the new U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Overtime Rule would impact you. The rule would have increased the salary threshold from $455 a week to $913 a week and required overtime pay if employees without managerial-natured duties worked over 40 hours.
The Overtime Rule is currently tied up in a Texas court and hasn’t taken effect, but efforts underway have reignited the debate.
The DOL is once again seeking public input on how to change overtime provisions, which have not been updated since 2004. Specifically, the department would like input on how to determine a new salary threshold, if certain types of employees should be exempt, and how any changes would impact businesses.
The Florida Chamber encourages you to share how your business will be affected. For more information and to submit written comments, please click here. Written comments can be submitted until September 25, 2017.
Do You Have Questions About the Overtime Rule?
Contact me at cjohnson@flchamber.com or 850-521-1235.