Water Solutions
Fighting to Ensure Florida’s Water Future Is Sustainable

Sign Our Water Petition Watch Our Educational Water Videos Learn More About Water Solutions
Watch the Florida Chamber’s Latest Video to See How We Are Fighting to Secure Florida’s Water Future.
An increased population means an increased need for vital resources such as water. Florida’s population is expected to grow by 5.4 million more residents by 2030, residents that will consume approximately nine billion gallons of water each day. From a single glass of water to fueling Florida’s large agriculture economy, water discussions must take into account the needs of the future so sound policies can be enacted today.
Two Ways To Take Action Now
Adopting smart policies that take into consideration long-term need, will benefit Florida’s families and businesses. Join us in our battle to find sustainable water solutions for our state.
- Sign our water petition.
- Watch Securing Florida’s Water Future, a series of educational videos solely focused on ensuring Florida’s water future is sustainable and provides the quality of life Floridians and visitors deserve.