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Florida Chamber Foundation Launches Statewide Florida Trade and Logistics Study 2030

TALLAHASSEE, FL (July 21, 2021)— It is time to set the course for Florida’s continued leadership in trade, logistics, and export-oriented manufacturing activities through 2030. Over the past decade, the Florida Chamber Foundation published two research reports highlighting the importance of trade and logistics to Florida’s future—Florida Trade and Logistics Study (TL 1.0) and Made for Trade: Florida Trade and Logistics Study 2.0 (TL 2.0)— which both produced recommendations that have been implemented and significantly enhanced Florida’s position in the global economy. COVID changed the world and the global economy, and today, the Florida Chamber Foundation is launching its new Florida Trade and Logistics Study 2030, which will analyze emerging trends, opportunities, and challenges facing Florida, and identify policies and strategies to ensure another decade of growth—now more important than ever.

“To create good jobs by diversifying Florida’s economy, the Florida Chamber Foundation, through its Florida 2030 Blueprint, has set a goal to double Florida’s goods exports and triple its services exports by 2030,” said Florida Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Mark Wilson. “The important research that will come from the Trade and Logistics Study 2030 is essential to keeping Florida competitive as the recommendations produced will help guide Florida’s employers and policy makers on the road to 2030.”

The new Florida Trade and Logistics Study 2030 study will address questions such as:

“The trade and logistics industry is quickly evolving, and the strength and well-being of Florida’s manufacturing economy is inextricably connected to its success,” said FloridaMakes CEO Kevin Carr. “It is essential for us to discover the actions Florida needs to take to prepare for the next decade and the 4 million more people expected to call Florida home by 2030. The Florida Chamber Foundation’s research through TL 2030 will help layout the policy framework to ensure Florida continues to advance its position as a globally competitive producer and exporter of the world’s goods. It’s a foundation of our economic strength, our resilience, and our overall standard of living.”

The Florida Chamber Foundation’s research will identify short-, medium-, and long-term actions to guide Florida over the next decade. Research completion is targeted for late 2021 with implementation of the recommendations beginning in 2022.

To learn more about involvement opportunities with the Florida Trade and Logistics Study 2030, visit If interested in becoming an investor, contact Aaron Kinnon at, or if interested in providing input as a key stakeholder in our process, contact David Gillespie at


About the Florida Chamber Foundation

The Florida Chamber Foundation is a statewide, business-led, non-partisan research and future-oriented leadership group working in partnership with regional and state leaders to secure Florida’s future. To ensure global competitiveness, prosperity, high paying jobs and vibrant and resilient communities for all Floridians, the Florida Chamber Foundation places the long-term ahead of the short term by uniting the Florida business community for good to develop strategies around six key factors, the Florida 2030 Blueprint Six Pillars of Florida’s Future Economy: improving Florida’s talent pipeline for a better workforce, creating good jobs by diversifying Florida’s economy, preparing Florida’s infrastructure for smart growth and development, building the perfect climate for business, making government and civics more efficient and effective, and championing Florida’s quality of life.

The Florida Chamber Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Contributions are deductible as charitable gifts for federal income tax. To learn more about the Florida Chamber Foundation, visit

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