Florida Chamber of Commerce Recognizes Senator Manny Diaz, Jr. as a 2019 Distinguished Advocate

The Florida Chamber of Commerce is proud to recognize Senator Manny Diaz as a 2019 Distinguished Advocate for his work during the 2019 Legislative Session.
The Florida Chamber’s Distinguished Advocate award recognizes lawmakers who fought tirelessly for the passage of pro-business legislation – no matter how difficult – and advocated for the Florida Chamber’s goals of securing Florida’s future and commitment to Florida’s business community through job creation, economic development and free enterprise.
“Senator Diaz fought the teacher unions tooth and nail to pass historic school choice reform, ensuring more Florida students’ educational opportunities are not defined by their income or zip code,” said Mark Wilson, President and CEO of the Florida Chamber.
This award is designed to honor legislators who prioritize the priority business community’s legislative goals.
“I am honored to receive this recognition from the Florida Chamber; I appreciate their partnership in the continuous pursuit of excellence in education,” said Senator Manny Diaz, Jr.
To view Senator Diaz’s’ complete grading and district information, click here.