Statement On Solar Choice Amendment

TALLAHASSEE (October 22, 2015) – Florida Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Mark Wilson today released the below statement on the Florida Supreme Court’s approval of a solar choice amendment.
“With Florida’s population expected to increase by six million people by the year 2030, the Florida Chamber of Commerce believes we must prepare Florida’s infrastructure for smart growth and development.
“To provide Florida families with reliable and cost-effective energy options, including solar, the Florida Chamber supports energy policies that focus on the long-term demands of our state that will help meet the needs of Florida’s growing population. Reliable and sustainable infrastructure is important to the prosperity of all Floridians, as well as Florida’s competitiveness.
“The Florida Chamber has a long-standing history of opposing constitutional amendments that can be achieved through the legislative or budget process, and therefore opposes the solar choice amendment. Additionally, the Florida Chamber has a strong history of advocating for a comprehensive state energy portfolio, including solar energy.
“The solar choice amendment is driven by special interest who seek to raise electricity prices on Florida families and make Florida less competitive. There’s a right way to do solar, but Florida’s Constitution isn’t it.
“The Florida Chamber will continue to encourage voters to protect our constitution by opposing this amendment that provides protections and unrestricted and unregulated growth for a specific industry.”
The Florida Chamber of Commerce is the voice of business and the state’s largest federation of employers, chambers of commerce and associations, aggressively representing small and large businesses from every industry and every region. The Florida Chamber works within all branches of government to affect those changes set forth in the annual Florida Business Agenda, and which are seen as critical to secure Florida’s future. The Florida Chamber works closely with its Political Operations and the Florida Chamber Foundation. Visit for more information.