Florida Chamber Series on Free Enterprise: Amendment Two

Constitutional Amendments 2018 Election Center
Robert Weissert of Florida TaxWatch: “Amendment 2 is Important for Everyone”
In the latest edition of the Florida Chamber Series on Free Enterprise, Robert Weissert, Executive Vice President of Florida TaxWatch, discusses Amendment 2 and its impact on all Floridians.
“It would be a major concern if this goes down because it’s the only protection in the constitution for non-homesteaded property, so we would see significant iniquity in the property tax system but more importantly we would see negative effects on Florida’s economy,” said Weissert.
Click Below to Listen to Robert Weissert.
Vote “YES ON 2” This November
If Amendment 2 passes it will not only help Florida’s families and job creators but aid Florida’s economy. Learn more about Amendment 2 here or get involved at www.Everybodyisfor2.com.