Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign’s Free Digital Library: BookSmart
Have you heard about our Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign FREE digital library of books called BookSmart?
BookSmart is a FREE digital library for children 3-12 years old that houses thousands of books in many languages, including English and Spanish. BookSmart can be viewed as a website or downloaded as an app on any electronic device. It can be used to enhance in and out-of-school home reading, to help parents engage in conversations around books, and to provide book access and programming for out-of-school clubs and libraries. Visit https://booksmart.world/facct or scan the attached QR code to get started!
On Thursday, November 30 at 12:30pm Eastern Time, Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign will host a brief webinar, showcasing a 15-minute walk-though of this easy-to-use digital library, plus time for audience questions. This platform requires no personal information to immediately start reading books and you can also download books to any of your devices for future off-line reading enjoyment. We ask that you consider participating in this webinar to learn more about this FREE digital library resource and also share this webinar opportunity with your early learning providers and the families you serve. Start reading today at https://booksmart.world/facct and pre-register for this webinar at this Zoom link.
If you’d be interested in becoming one of our volunteer BookSmart Ambassadors to help spread the word in your community about this amazing free resource, please contact jfaber@facct.com. Feel free to visit our Florida Grade-Level Reading Campaign Dropbox (Get BookSmart Folder) for additional promotional materials, and read our latest FGLRC newsletter which also features BookSmart information!