Florida House Considering Amendment That Weakens AOB Reform
On April 10, the Florida House of Representatives will hear Florida Chamber-backed Assignment of Benefits (AOB) legislation designed to close the loophole that lines the pockets of a few trial lawyers at the expense of everyday Floridians – Floridians that fill the jobs that keep our state’s economy growing.
That’s the good news.
Now comes the bad news.
An amendment has been filed that would weaken AOB reform efforts. Your voice is needed to help shore up our efforts to ensure that 2019 is the year that AOB reform finally passes.
Right now, HB 7065 by Representative Bob Rommel calls for AOB reform for both home and auto glass insurance. But an amendment has been filed to remove auto glass from the bill. Here’s why that’s a bad idea:
- More than 58,000 auto glass AOB lawsuits filed between January 1, 2016 and August 16, 2018.
- A few attorneys account for the majority of auto glass AOB cases.
- 50% of all auto glass AOB lawsuits come from just 4 law firms – representing only 6 attorneys.
- 85% of all auto glass AOB cases come from just 9 law firms – representing just 14 attorneys.
Please join us in urging the Florida House to support the underlying bill which includes auto glass and property and has been overwhelmingly approved by three committees.
- SEND A PERSONAL MESSAGE…Contact members of the Florida House by email or phone and ask them to support reforming property and auto glass AOBs in HB 7065.
- SIGN THIS LETTER…Asking lawmakers to pass HB 7065.
Opposition to defeat this bill is strong. Today some trial lawyer representatives will masquerade as a group of “impacted consumers” and attempt to convince lawmakers to totally kill HB 7065. We can’t let this happen.