Florida Chamber of Commerce

Florida Power & Light on Track to Complete its Solar Panel “30 by 30” Goal Five Years Early

Florida Chamber Foundation Community Development Partner Florida Power & Light (FPL), recently announced that they are on track to reach their “30-by-30” goal of installing more than 30 million solar panels – by 2025! This latest milestone highlights the company’s tireless pursuit of building a more resilient and sustainable energy future all FPL customers can depend on – now and in the future.

“Importantly, our solar expansion is expected to save customers approximately $2.5 billion in fuel costs over the life of these projects. The solar plants represent a huge boon to Florida’s economy as they are expected to create more than 20,000 construction jobs and more than $700 million in property taxes for Florida communities,” said Don Kiselewski, Senior Director of External Affairs and Florida Chamber Foundation Board Trustee.”


At the 2022 Florida Transportation, Growth & Infrastructure Solution Summit, the Florida Chamber Foundation and the Florida business community will address energy as one of the key economic drivers to securing Florida’s future. JOIN US FOR THE 2022 FLORIDA TRANSPORTATION GROWTH AND INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTION SUMMIT>

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