Florida Trade Missions Equal High Wage Jobs and Global Opportunities

The Sunshine State is home to more than 60,000 firms dedicated to bringing their goods and services to consumers around the globe. International business and foreign direct investment accounts for approximately 17 percent of Florida’s economic activity, and directly supports more than 1 million Florida jobs.
In Florida, global trade means high-wage jobs and economic prosperity. Economic development and trade missions with partners like Enterprise Florida, Inc. are one way to build Florida’s global economy. In fact, this month, the Florida Chamber’s Director of Global Outreach, Alice Ancona, will join statewide leaders, business and economic development professionals on an economic development mission to Peru. Secretary of Commerce Bill Johnson and Enterprise Florida will lead this effort.
“The Export Development Trade Mission to Peru will give Florida companies the opportunity to meet current and future trading partners in one of the fastest-growing economies in Latin America,” said Bill Johnson, Florida Secretary of Commerce and CEO of Enterprise Florida, Inc. “Expanding the exports of Florida products to Peru even higher than last year’s $2.8 billion will expand Florida businesses and put even more Floridians to work.”
With more than 30 million people and one of the strongest economies in South America, there is a strong potential for Florida companies to expand their exports to Peru. Florida currently exports many different types of Florida-origin products to Peru, including industrial and electric machinery, fertilizers, vehicles, civilian aircraft, and medical instruments.
Florida’s tourism industry benefits as well, with an estimated 229,000 Peruvian visitors to Florida in 2013, up 10 percent from 2012. This makes Peru the 14th-highest nation for Florida visitors. According to the Florida Visitors Study 2013, Peru is also the 9th-highest country in terms of tourist spending while in Florida, with more than $364 million spent in 2013.
With three major seaports and more than 5,400 miles of navigable waterways, Florida business have strong trade opportunities in Peru.
“Peru has a dynamic and expanding economy, and is projected to be one of the fastest growing in Latin America for years to come,” Enterprise Florida Senior Vice President of International Trade and Development, Manny Mencia said about the upcoming mission. “This presents unique opportunities for Florida exporters. If you look at the products that are in demand in Peru, they are all sectors in which Florida specializes. The market is well-positioned for Florida companies to expand, and there’s also interest from Peru in expanding relations with Florida.”
Consider these Florida trade facts:
- Since December 2010, more than 21,000 manufacturing jobs have also been created,
- Florida is the leading U.S. state for trade with Latin America and the Caribbean, and
- There are more than 500,000 jobs in transportation, trade and logistics paying 30 percent more than the statewide average in Florida.
The impact of global trade and building international trade relationships are key for a secure and sustainable future.
Share Your Story:
There are many tools available to help Florida’s diverse businesses take advantage of trade opportunities found in countries like Peru. What are some tools that have been effective in your community? We want to hear from you. Email jparrish@flfoundation.org today and share your story.
Join Us:
Register to attend the Florida Chamber’s International Days summit scheduled for April 7-9 in Tallahassee. Click here to register and to view the agenda.
About the Florida Scorecard:
The Florida Scorecard, located at www.TheFloridaScorecard.com, presents metrics across Florida’s economy. Each month, the Florida Chamber Foundation produces a Scorecard Stat that takes an in-depth look at one aspect of Florida’s economy. If you would like additional information on the Weekly Scorecard Stat or on the Florida Scorecard, please contact Dr. Jerry Parrish with the Florida Chamber Foundation at 850.521.1283.