Got An Idea for Florida’s Constitution?

Submit Your Ideas for Florida’s Constitution Revision Commission No Later Than Friday
Friday is the deadline to submit citizen proposals to Florida’s Constitution Revision Commission.
Constitution Revision Commission (CRC) Chairman Carlos Beruff and CRC Commissioner Belinda Keiser, while speaking at the Florida Chamber’s Future of Florida Forum last week in Orlando, encouraged Floridians to have their voices and concerns heard and to submit ideas and changes to Florida’s constitution. The deadline for submitting citizen proposals has been extended to this Friday, October 6.
This week in Tallahassee, members of the CRC began reviewing proposals from citizens, including measures relating to write-in candidates, infrastructure funding and restoration of voting rights for felons.
The Florida Chamber of Commerce continues to closely follow the CRC and encourage thoughts and ideas from the public for changes to Florida’s constitution.
Share Your Ideas on How to Move Florida Forward
The CRC is a unique opportunity for Floridians to make changes to the state constitution and make Florida an even better place to live. If you have a proposal you think would make Florida better, please contact me at (850) 521-1242 or