Higher Workers’ Comp Rates Here to Stay?

Earlier this week, in an interview with WFSU, Senator Rob Bradley (R-Orange Park) predicted higher workers’ compensation rates in Florida are likely here to stay. According to the news report, Sen. Bradley also said “rate stabilization” was his goal.
While comprehensive legislation should be filed in the Florida Senate soon, Senator Rob Bradley said that overhauling the system may take more than a single session. In the interim, employers will continue to feel the pressure that comes with increased workers’ comp rates.
If You Want the Legislature to ACT NOW to Bring Down Workers Comp Rates, Please Take Action Today:
Send your lawmakers an email urging them to address attorney fees, which account for the majority of the 14.5 percent workers’ comp rate increase and will cost Florida taxpayers $1.5 billion in the first year alone.
Senator Bradley is right that a comprehensive review of Florida’s workers’ comp system is needed. However, in the meantime, the legislature must take action to address out of control attorney fees and stop future rate increases.
Take Action Now
We need you now more than ever! Your lawmakers need to hear from you to believe lowering workers’ comp rates is a priority that must be accomplished during the 2017 Florida Legislative Session. Email your legislators, then send this link to anyone else you know that is impacted by higher workers’ comp rates in Florida.