It’s Time to Ask Tough Questions and Show Your Support

Are you concerned about the future of economic development and funding for marketing tourism in Florida? Florida Governor Rick Scott visited South Florida on February 13 to discuss these issues. In case you missed it, last week, at least one lawmaker from South Florida voted to support legislation that would eliminate Enterprise Florida, VISIT FLORIDA, Florida’s Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and many other programs that help diversify our state’s economy and create jobs.
Email your lawmaker to share your concern with last week’s vote, or call them using the below information:
- Rep. Dane Eagle (R-Cape Coral)
(239) 772-1291
Send an email - Rep. Julio Gonzalez (R-Venice),
(941) 480-3560
Send an email - Rep. Alex Miller (R-Sarasota)
(941) 955-8077
Send an email
Take Action Now
Email your lawmaker and share your concern with them about last week’s vote against economic development efforts and funding for marketing tourism in Florida.