Lawmakers Vote to Reduce Regulations While Protecting Environment

Florida Chamber of Commerce-backed legislation that reduces confusion and time delays in the wetland permitting process, while also maintaining the exact same existing environmental protections, passed the Florida Legislature today.
The bill (HB 7043) allows the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to step into the shoes of the Army Corps of Engineers to issue Federal 404 wetlands permits under the existing federal regulations using the best science possible. This new process will reduce uncertainty and maintain Florida’s high environmental standards.
The Florida Chamber thanks bill sponsors Representative Holly Raschein and Senator David Simmons for working to make Florida more competitive. HB 7043 now travels to Governor Rick Scott for his action.
Legislative Session Coming to a Close
The 2018 Legislative Session is scheduled to end this Friday. The Florida Chamber of Commerce is your number one resource for what passed, what didn’t, and what needs more work. Be on the lookout for the Florida Chamber’s end of session news brief.