Long-Term Transportation, Growth & Infrastructure Investments Needed to Support The 4.5 Million More Residents That Will Soon Call Florida Home

Hollywood, Fla. (December 5, 2019) – M-CORES, long-term energy solutions, resiliency, 5G and more are taking center stage at the Florida Chamber Foundation’s Transportation, Growth and Infrastructure Summit taking place today in Hollywood.
“As Florida prepares to add 4.5 million more residents and 3 million more drivers by 2030, Florida must approach the changes ahead with smart growth, innovation and long-term planning to ensure Florida’s economy continues to thrive,” said Mark Wilson, President and CEO, Florida Chamber of Commerce.
Key Transportation, Growth & Infrastructure Summit Take-Aways:
- M-CORES: Multi-use Corridors of Regional Economic Significance (M-CORES) will play an important role in connecting urban and rural communities and supporting local economies.
- RESLILIENCY: Florida’s first resilience officer discusses Florida’s need to prepare for sea level rise and natural disasters.
- ENERGY: Long-term investment in reliable energy sources were highlighted as we face the future of demands of Florida’s growing population.
- SPEAKERS: Featured speakers include:
- Julia Nesheiwat, Ph.D., Chief Resilience Officer, Executive Office of the Governor
- Ananth Prasad, President, Florida Transportation Builders’ Association, Inc.
- Patrick Goddard, President, Virgin Trains USA
- Eric Silagy, President & CEO, Florida Power & Light
- Secretary Kevin Thibault, P.E., Florida Department of Transportation
- Joe York, President, AT&T Florida
- Noah Valenstein, Secretary, Florida Department of Environmental Protection
- Ken Armstrong, President & CEO, Florida Trucking Association
- Beth Kigel, Vice President, HNTB
For a complete list of today’s events, click HERE for the full agenda.
Today’s summit continues until 3:30 p.m. A livestream of the event is available for media only. RSVP to Edie Ousley at eousley@flchamber.com for link information.
The Florida Chamber Foundation is the business-led, solutions development and research organization working in partnership with state business leaders to secure Florida’s future. The Foundation’s “Six Pillars” serve as a visioning platform for developing the first-ever, long-term strategic plan for the state. The Foundation’s work focuses on: 1) Talent Supply and Education, 2) Innovation and Economic Development, 3) Infrastructure and Growth Leadership, 4) Business Climate and Competitiveness, 5) Civic and Governance Systems, and 6) Quality of Life and Quality Places. Founded in 1968, the Foundation is a crucial voice for improving the state’s pro-business climate to enable Florida to grow and prosper. Visit www.FLFoundation.org for more information.