Patricia Levesque Discusses Education and Closing the Achievement Gap

“The key to economic competitiveness and our businesses being able to thrive is having an educated workforce.”
– Patricia Levesque, Executive Director of Foundation for Florida’s Future
Patricia Levesque, Executive Director of Foundation for Florida’s Future, recently sat down with Executive Vice President of the Florida Chamber Foundation Tony Carvajal to discuss Florida’s latest educational achievements, the importance of school choice and accountability, and the need for continued investments in reading, programs and teachers.
“The two things we did the best are school accountability, making sure are schools are paying attention to every child making progress….and dramatic amounts of school choice – charter schools, private school choice, virtual school choice and magnet schools.”
Although Florida’s education system has improved drastically, there is still more work to be done.
“We’re doing fantastic in the state of Florida. We have made so much progress in the last 15 years….We’re not where we need to be though. We still have students that are not graduating from high school and we still have students that need remediation when they graduate and go on to community college.”
Get Involved:
To learn more about what our education leaders are doing to improve the future workforce, attend the Florida Chamber Foundation’s 2016 Education Summit on June 2, 2016 in Orlando.