
Winning Florida’s Future

When it comes to securing Florida’s future, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Florida’s political landscape is continually changing. But will voters be empowered to vote for candidates who support free enterprise, and who will stand for what’s right, even when it’s not easy? Legislative success happens when the right people are elected, and that’s what our political action is all about — electing candidates who understand the issues and are not afraid to boldly step up and help lead Florida in the right direction. The Florida Chamber will remain focused on fighting for Florida’s future by endorsing pro-jobs candidates who will help lead Florida in the right direction. With your help, we can support the candidates who will make Florida’s future a priority. Join the Florida Chamber’s Political program, participate in one of our political advocacy organizations or join our many volunteers working to elect pro-jobs candidates.

Florida’s Political Landscape

After recruiting pro-jobs candidates and investing more than $6.8 million in voter education efforts, the Florida Chamber saw positive 2020 momentum and election results. LEARN MORE >

Florida Free Enterprise Fund

Florida needs leaders who are willing to grow and move Florida in the right direction. With your help, we can support the candidates who will make Florida’s future a priority. Help us fund those candidates who put Florida first. Contact Andrew Wiggins, Senior Director of Campaigns and Elections at 850.521.1240.

Florida Chamber Political Institute

The Florida Chamber Political Institute (FCPI) conducts Florida’s most thorough and well-respected candidate review process. FCPI reviews over a hundred candidate questionnaires and travels the state to interview candidates, hear about their campaigns and discuss pertinent issues. This helps the Florida Chamber advocate for candidates who have Florida’s future as a priority. LEARN MORE >

Florida Institute for Political Leadership

The Florida Institute for Political Leadership (FIPL), a newly-formed initiative of the Florida Chamber of Commerce, was created to assist leaders who want to improve their local communities by serving in appointed positions or in elected offices. We are here to help make that process easier. LEARN MORE >

Florida Situation Report

The Florida Chamber political team constantly analyzes new voter registration trends, changes to House and Senate districts, and voter behavior as we work to recruit and elect pro-jobs candidates to Secure Florida’s Future. LEARN MORE >