Political Insiders Look to the Florida Chamber Political Institute

“The political institute is to politics what a telescope is to an astronomer- it is a tool to help us provide in-depth, non-partisan research and analysis so that we can find the best candidates to help the business community.”
When it comes to securing Florida’s future, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Fighting for free enterprise and focusing on policies that support jobs and strong families is the Florida Chamber’s mission. Beyond the legislative battles in Tallahassee or Washington, pro-jobs policies need champions, and that is why we engage in elections.
Our engagement efforts begin by electing pro-biz, pro-jobs candidates chosen by the Florida Chamber Political Institute’s (FCPI) rigorous candidate interview sessions — one of Florida’s most thorough and well-respected pro-business candidate review processes.
But why exactly are candidate interviews so important to Florida’s legislative process?
“It’s really all about the dialogue,” said Bjorklund. “When we get in the interview process, we are able to talk with these candidates and find out what their plans are to change Florida and how they are going to help Florida and we give them the opportunity to show us how business can play a role in that.”
And to FCPI Chair Bjorklund, being a member of FCPI is all about being informed.
“To me, it’s all about access and it’s all about information,” said Bjorklund. “As a member of the Political Institute, you have access to these candidates, which you otherwise may not be able to go see. This year is going to be a very, very populated election season…trying to manage logistically meeting these people and finding out who are going to be the best ones to serves Florida, just simply is impossible. Through the institute, we allow folks the chance to meet these folks and find the ones that are best suited to serve in office.”