2020 Election Center
As we prepare for the 2020 election, the Florida Chamber of Commerce is examining the changing political landscape and working to build on the positive results from the 2018 midterm elections— understanding the headwinds from the Presidential election will have an impact on Florida. The stakes are higher than ever, with members of the Florida House of Representatives and Florida Senate redrawing state legislative districts after the 2020 census. The new districts which will be drawn after 2020 will shape the landscape of politics for the next 10 years, consequently, the stakes have never been higher.
The truth is, while it’s too early to make judgements about the political environment in 2020, the Florida Chamber will continue to put the long-term ahead of the short-term to help lead Florida in the right direction to secure Florida’s future.
With your help, we can support the candidates who will make Florida’s future a priority. Join the Florida Chamber’s Political program, participate in one of our political advocacy organizations or join our many volunteers working to elect pro-jobs candidates.