Florida Chamber of Commerce

Prejudgment Interest Bill Passes in the Senate, Help Stop it in the House

The Florida Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday approved SB 334 by a 6-2 margin. The “prejudgment interest” bill allows interest to be charged on damages from the date the injury or tort occurred, not from the date the legal decision was made, as is the current law. Delays in the legal system, which might not be due to the defendant, will only further drive up the cost of personal injury lawsuits against Floridians and force businesses into a “sue-and-settle” position.

Looking ahead to tomorrow, the Florida House Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee will take up the House’s version of prejudgment interest beginning at 9 a.m., when they hold a hearing for HB 469, sponsored by Rep. Shawn Harrison (R-Tampa).

Take action now and urge Representatives on the Florida House Civil Justice and Claims Subcommittee to vote NO on HB 469.

What’s Next for SB 334?

Did You Know Florida has one of the worst legal climates in the country (ranked 44th of the 50 states)?

Florida’s legal climate costs households $3400 in a “lawsuit abuse tax” thanks to the amount and cost of litigation. Job creators look at many factors when deciding to move to or expand their business and a bottom-10 legal climate only deters economic growth. We should be working to improve our legal climate.

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