Florida Chamber of Commerce

Promising Practices

As we work to secure the path to prosperity for ALL Floridians under the direction of the Florida 2030 Blueprint, the Florida Chamber Foundation recognizes that equality for all requires a collective effort. Businesses, nonprofits, community leaders, and volunteers across Florida and beyond are working to holistically bring about radical change in communities of need. With a belief that positive impact can occur at any level, the Florida Equality of Opportunity Initiative aims to identify the hard work being done within these communities and share the promising practices with change agents across the country. Through the link below, you can access a few of these leading organizations that are stepping up and giving back to the communities they call home.

The key to our success is the willingness of Florida’s community and business leaders to leverage promising practices and collectively impact their communities. If you are doing great work in your community, contact Kyle Baltuch at kbaltuch@flchamber.com today to discuss how we may be able to share your efforts here!

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