Protecting Florida’s Family-Friendly Brand From the Expansion of Gambling

For more than 20 years, the Florida Chamber has opposed the expansion of Las Vegas-style casino gambling and harming Florida’s family-friendly brand.
The Florida Chamber has long said that a new state compact with the Seminole Tribe of Florida is the best way to limit the expansion of gambling in Florida and contain it to tribal lands. Therefore, the Florida Chamber supports House Bill 7037, sponsored by Representative Mike LaRosa, which holds strong against any further gambling expansion. Today, HB 7037 passed its final committee of reference and is now poised to be heard by the full House of Representatives.
In contrast, the Florida Senate is calling for a vast gambling expansion. Senate Bill 8, sponsored by Senator Bill Galvano, passed in the full Senate today.
The Florida Chamber remains steadfast in our support for making Florida more competitive for businesses and families, and supporting HB 7037 will help ensure Florida’s family-friendly brand continues to play a role in Florida’s long-term economic security.
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