Employment Resources

In looking at the issues that impact Florida’s current workforce, the Florida Chamber Foundation and The Able Trust have developed an internship program to help businesses access this talent pool. Research has also shown that companies who offer internships to people with disabilities are more likely to overcome misconceptions associated with disabilities and hire within this population when filling future jobs. Matching talented interns with businesses throughout Florida will help meet the long-term goal of closing the gap on the unemployment rate of Floridians with disabilities.
The Able Trust Employer Internship Guide
There are thousands of Floridians with disabilities who are willing, able and eager to be productive employees. They just need one thing – opportunity. The Able Trust is working with its partners and employers throughout Florida to establish career experiences for people with disabilities. These opportunities allow individuals to obtain additional education, hands-on experience and training in a particular industry or field.
The interns are also acquiring marketable skills that can assist them in obtaining future permanent employment. It is the goal of The Able Trust to have qualified, talented individuals with disabilities be matched with the employer needs and objectives for internships. To help better understand the internship process, please review the following question and answer guide.
Important Links
- ADA Anniversary Reminds Us Florida Can and Should Do More to Employ All Floridians
- Florida Chamber Encourages Meaningful Employment Opportunities for the Disabled and Launches Internship Program
- Employing People With All Abilities