Series on Free Enterprise: Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber “Stewards of the Space Coast”

For more than 80 years, the Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce has served as the voice of business and has worked to enhance the quality of life in their community. On the latest Florida Chamber Series on Free Enterprise we are joined by Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Jennifer Sugarman, to discuss how they continue to be “stewards of the space coast.”
“Our community was largely built on the space program, so we are a little bit different than back when the Apollo era was going on because we are more diversified now than ever,” said Sugarman. “So, a lot of people felt like when the shuttle program retired the space coast was kind of dead in the water but that is far from true.”
Sign the Petition to Secure Florida’s Tourism Industry
This past year, Florida welcomed a record-breaking 126 million visitors to the Sunshine State. Tourism in Florida not only helps create jobs, but keeps taxes low for Florida residents. Sign the petition today to secure Florida’s tourism industry.