Transportation & Infrastructure Investments

Moving Florida Forward
Why It Matters to Florida
The Florida Chamber Foundation estimates more than six million new residents will call Florida home by 2030. In fact, Florida has officially surpassed New York as the third most populous state in the nation. That means there will be approximately four to five million new Florida drivers commuting on our roads. Along with the 107 million visitors that come to our state each year, it’s estimated that there will be more than 150 million daily vehicle miles added to Florida roads by 2030.
In addition to highways, Florida also moves people and goods along a complex system of railways, seaports, airports and space ports, all interconnected to provide services and goods that grow our economy. Whether it’s the more than 1,000 miles of coastlines and more than 3,000 miles of highways, Florida’s transportation infrastructure relies on capable investments in order to keep our economy flowing and keep Floridians safe.
State and private-sector investments in Florida’s transportation infrastructure are vital for future economic growth in the global trade sector. Transportation and infrastructure needs also require special training for intermodal transportation and logistics jobs so Florida’s workforce is prepared to accommodate Florida’s growing population.
Florida’s Competitiveness Agenda
Public-private partnerships ensure our state can invest in addressing the infrastructure needs key to meeting the demands of a growing population.
The Florida Chamber will keep fighting to prevent attempting raids to the State Transportation Trust Fund for non-transportation purposes. The future health and prosperity of all Floridians is advanced with creating and maintaining sustainable and reliable infrastructure systems.
We also believe that supporting innovative business sectors like ridesharing and autonomous vehicles with consistent regulatory frameworks will help to diversity Florida’s economy and help our state’s growing transportation needs while also ensuring public safety.
The Fight for Free Enterprise Continues
While several updates to Florida’s transportation system are currently underway in Florida’s major cities, we must continue to stay focused on creating transportation systems and infrastructure that safely transport valuable cargo, from our Florida grown crops to our children and families.
Act Now
Florida’s focus on long-term transportation initiatives are steps in the right direction to ensure our rising population and growing economy have adequate resources. Join us as we fight for strategies that will make Florida more competitive.