The Florida Chamber Foundation Board of Trustees Uniting on the Road to 2030 – February 2023
By: Susan Towler, Florida Chamber Foundation Board of Trustees Chair; Executive Director/CSR, Florida Blue Foundation
It was great catching up with everyone at our most recent Board of Trustees Meeting last week, held in conjunction with the Florida Chamber Legislative Fly-In. As you all know, the Fly-In is a central event that serves as the platform for unveiling the Florida Chamber’s annual Where We Stand – Florida Business Agenda, which is developed around our Six Pillars Framework and legislative priorities for the year ahead.
I’d like to thank you all for your feedback and engagement during our Board meeting, particularly during the Board Breakout Session. Your insights continue to be invaluable as we work to improve our programming and efforts to unite the business community around the solutions that matter to achieving our 2030 mission. I encourage you to continue to think of ways in which we can elevate our events and initiatives, and what companies and individuals we can involve, to help bring value to our Foundation’s mission. I’ve asked the Foundation team to collate the feedback notes from the October 2022 meeting, and last week’s meeting, to present at our Board meeting in June so you can see what you and your fellow members discussed.
Please be sure to mark your calendars for our next Board Meeting on June 26, where we will meet the day prior to our annual Florida Learners to Earners Workforce Solution Summit on the 27th. The links to register are included below. I hope you will make plans to join us at both.
Register for the Board of Trustees meeting HERE>.
Register for Florida Learners to Earners Workforce Solution Summit HERE>.
I can’t thank all of you enough for your investment in the future of Florida and all you do to help lead the 2030 charge. Check out some of the pictures below of us uniting on the road to 2030 at last week’s Board meeting. Feel free to share them with your team!
Until next time,