Who Votes Decides Who Wins

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When it comes to voting, remember that people have knocked down walls over it, dreamed about it, and risked their lives to get it. That’s why the Florida Chamber of Commerce is encouraging Floridians to use the most powerful tool they have to protect American opportunity – their right to vote.
There’s more to this election than just the top of the ticket. In fact, there are important state House and Senate races taking place all across Florida, and voters will be asked if they support amendments to the state constitution.
The good news is that employees all across Florida, along with their family and friends, have a special tool available to learn about candidates for state House and Senate, along with the four proposed constitutional amendments on the upcoming ballot. It’s called FloridaWins.Org and it’s a free, non-partisan news and information resource.
At the Florida Chamber, we’re working hard to secure Florida’s future, and want to ensure Florida’s job creators and the employees that fill those jobs have their voices heard. Visit FloridaWins.Org and learn more about the candidates, and make your plans to vote.
Vote early, vote by mail or vote on Election Day. Every vote counts and makes a difference. Learn more by visiting FloridaWins.org.